Advanced Course of Study School
The purpose of the Advanced Course of Studies program is to fulfill requirements for both probationary and full membership in an annual conference (where an annual conference permits a non-seminary route). The advanced Course of Studies are not a requisite for serving as a local pastor or as an associate member. Educational credentials for local pastors requires the successful completion of the five-year basic program. Advanced Course of Studies are designed for persons seeking probationary membership and commissioning toward ordained ministry.
The Book of Discipline requires that local pastors seeking probationary membership and commissioning complete 32 credit hours of graduate theological study or its equivalent. Perkins’ Advanced COS offers the equivalent courses. While these courses do not offer academic credit, they do offer credit toward attaining the 32-hour advanced program. Persons seeking academic credit may apply for admission to Perkins’ degree programs.
Students enrolled in Advanced COS are expected to produce satisfactory work at the graduate level of the seminary. All advanced COS classes in English will be in the context of Perkins Master of Divinity classes offered during the year. Classes generally offer the equivalent of 1.5 or 3.0 credit hours each.
Academic Resources
Students enrolled in Advanced Course of Study classes can request access to . Please inform Melissa Hernandez Probus that you wish to access the Bridwell Library resources after you have received confirmation of your class enrollment and she can provide you with further details regarding library access.
Contact Information
If you have further questions, or to request a registration form, please contact Melissa Hernandez Probus at 214.768.2265 or at coss@smu.edu