Cost Summary

Theological Education is a Significant Investment

Perkins attracts high-achieving students who are called to ministry and seek a solid preparation to answer the call to serve. We offer financial resources to help you answer your call. Our office with you to explore scholarships, grants, loans and payment plans so that you can focus on studying and preparing to leverage your skills and education

Perkins funds are allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis, so we advise you to submit your completed application as early as possible. We strongly encourage you to look for outside funding early as well, as application deadlines vary extensively.

Academic Year 2025-26

Tuition   Per Credit Hour
Dallas Campus Graduate Program
  $795 + general student fee
Hybrid Graduate Program
  $795 + distance learning fee
Doctor of Ministry Program
  $928 + general student fee
Doctor of Pastoral Music Program
  $880 + general student fee

Student Fees


Per Credit Hour or Term

General Student Fee   $329 per term credit hour; $3,348 maximum
Distance Learning Fee   $100 per term credit hour
Hybrid Technology Fee   $50 per term
Community Life Fee   $25 per term for Dallas and Hybrid students
General Student Fee; DMin & DPM   50% of the regular amount listed above

Note that your completed also serves as your application for financial aid, including ÃÛÌÒ½´Perkins merit scholarships. Need-based grants are determined by your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Estimated Family Contribution. All students should complete the application.

Your application for admission and financial aid is evaluated holistically. A strong series of recommendations, essay, GPA and résumé are all heavily considered as decisions are made to award scholarships and grants.

Other Resources

We encourage you to explore other financial resources early in the application process, including:

  • Your local church
  • Family contribution and support from individuals
  • General Board of Higher Education for Ministry Scholarships (GBHEM)
  • United Methodist Higher Education Foundation (UMHEF)
  • Outside scholarships and grants
  • Student loans

Questions? Contact Christina Rhodes, Assistant Dean of Enrollment Management, at 214-768-3411 or