Network Infrastructure Upgrades - FY 2025

Multiple major network infrastructure projects will be underway during fiscal year 2025. These initiatives all work towards continued improvement of SMU's network to further support business processes, research, and learning.

The projects and schedules outlined are subject to change due to equipment and scheduling availability.

Wireless Access Point Refresh (Refreshes Complete)

What to expect: Slower Wi-Fi connections or brief disconnects during maintenance window.

The networking team is partnering with our vendor to replace the wireless APs across campus. Upgrading the AP devices will help with traffic and security for connecting to WIFI on campus.

Installation Schedule

April 2024

Fondren Library, Dawson Service Center, University Data Center, McFarlin Auditorium, Crum Lacrosse, Crum Basketball 

May 2024


Annette Caldwell Simmons Hall, Selecman Hall, Kirby Hall, 6200 North Central Expressway

June 2024


Heroy Hall, Crum Commons, Martin Hall, 6210 North Central Expressway

July 2024


Owen Fine Arts Center, Greer Garson Theatre, Hamon Arts Library

September 2024


6116 North Central Expressway, Collins Executive Center


Wired Network Infrastructure Refresh

What to expect: No interruptions expected, but notification will be sent via our weekly change email.

The networking team is partnering with our vendor to replace the wired APs across campus. Upgrading the AP devices will help with traffic and security for connecting to the wired network on campus for all ÃÛÌÒ½´devices.

Layer 3 Implementation

What to expect: Reconfiguring printers with new IP addresses, brief outage of card readers, restarting computers to obtain new IP address during the maintenance window. Schedule to be determined.

OIT has implemented private IP addresses in new campus buildings for several years. Private IP addressing provides enhanced security and protection of our campus computers. This project will focus on the conversion the remaining buildings on campus from public IP addresses to private IP addresses.

Pending Buildings

Airline, Binkley, Daniel, Moody, and Mustang Parking Centers Lambda Chi Alpha
Annette Caldwell Simmons Hall Laura Lee Blanton
Armstrong Commons
Loyd Commons
Beta Theta Pi
Martin Hall
Boaz Hall
Mary Hay Hall
Bridwell Library
McElvaney Hall
Carr Collins Jr. Hall
McFarlin Auditorium
Caruth Hall
Moody Coliseum
Chi Omega
Moore Hall
Cockerell-McIntosh Hall
Morrison-McGinnis Hall
Collins Executive Center
Meadows Museum
Crow Commons
Perkins Administration Building
Crum Basketball Center
Park Cities Plaza
Dallas Hall
Patterson Hall
Dawson Service Center
Perkins Chapel
Dedman Center for Lifetime Sports
Peyton Hall
Dedman Life Sciences
Phi Delta Theta
Delta Gamma
Phi Gamma Delta
Arnold Dining Commons
Pi Beta Pi
Expressway Tower
Pi Kappa Alpha
6200 & 6210 North Central Expressway
Prothro Hall
Embrey Hall
Selecman Hall
Florence Hall
ÃÛÌÒ½´Service House
Fondren Library Center, East & West
Shuttles Hall
Fondren Science
Science & Information Center
Heroy Hall
Sigma Pi Epsilon
Hughes-Trigg Student Center
Snider Hall
Hyer Hall
Storey Hall
Junkins Hall
Styslinger/Altec Tennis Complex
Kappa Alpha Order
University Data Center
Kappa Alpha Theta
Umphrey Lee Center
Kappa Sigma
Underwood Law Library
Kirby Hall
Virginia-Snider Hall


DFW3 Data Center Decommissioning

What to expect: No interruptions expected

To promote fiscal responsibility, DFW3 will be decommissioned along with the services that are hosted there. Reducing cost and comparable services provided by cloud vendors has ensured sustainability.