B.A. in Fashion Media

LAUNCH DAY! Come check out the new issue - we will be in Hughes-Trigg Student Center until 12pm today! 💛

The way we dress — from the clothing we wear to the cosmetics and grooming products we use — says a lot about us. From our tastes to membership in particular communities, clothing and personal adornment serves as a vast communication system that we all participate in — whether we pay attention or not. As RuPaul once said, “We’re all born naked, and the rest is drag.” Beyond its role in popular culture, fashion also exists as big business. To be exact, it’s a $2.5 trillion, global industry.

SMU’s Fashion Media program prepares students for a range of careers in this fast-paced industry by providing them with professional opportunities, classes that develop critical-thinking and professional skills, and a supportive community in the fashion-savvy city of Dallas. Based in the Division of Journalism, students learn how to write and report on fashion using contemporary media tools, including audio, video, photography and social media. They take classes that examine fashion as a cultural, design and economic force from professors with real-world experience at fashion and media brands, and who study the forces of fashion with an academic lens. They also choose electives from the division’s extensive journalism offerings, including magazine writing, and special topics like beauty writing and lifestyle journalism.

Fashion Media majors enjoy internships in Dallas and other major markets and gain professional experience at student-run, award-winning publications such as and the .

To join the Fashion Media program, University students must achieve a minimum GPA of 2.5 across Introduction to Academic Writing (WRTR 1312), the Writing and Editing Tutorial and Laboratory (JOUR 2103), Fashion, Media and Culture (JOUR 2310), and Building Digital Audiences (MSA 2305) with no grade lower than C+.

The below plan is for incoming students; current students should consult their advisor about their specific degree requirements.
