Undergraduate Studies
Students must first gain admission to the University. Additional requirements for the major and minor are listed below.
Admission and Degree Requirements
Strong writing skills are essential to the student’s success in the division’s journalism curriculum and later in the profession of journalism. Students may enroll in journalism classes as first-year students. Those seeking permission to major or minor in the Division of Journalism must have completed 24 hours of study, which may include transfer hours. Students must also have taken (or equivalent) and earned a minimum grade of B in this course. Students are required to take before further journalism study, and they must declare the major or minor before taking . Students transferring from other universities must have completed equivalent courses and obtained the equivalent GPA in those courses before they can be considered a major candidate in the Division of Journalism. All journalism and fashion media majors must declare and complete a second major or a minor of their choosing. The Journalism Division has a focus on and commitment to diversity, recognizing the need for diversity in media and communications in the 21st century.
Honors Scholarships are awarded each year to outstanding students who intend to major in journalism. Other scholarships are available to journalism students through a variety of foundations and gifts to the division.