About Us

Reverend Lisa Garvin
Chaplain and Minister to the University
Email: garvinl@smu.edu

Kaleb Loomis
Associate Chaplain to the University
Email: kloomis@smu.edu

Rabbi Heidi Coretz
Assistant Chaplain for Jewish Life
Email: hcoretz@smu.edu

Dr. Bilal Sert
Assistant Chaplain for Muslim Life
Email: bsert@smu.edu

Jon Carman
Religious Life Coordinator
Email: jcarman@smu.edu

Jenna Stegemoller
Office Coordinator
Email: jstegemoller@smu.edu

Dr. Matthew Wilson
Director, Center for Faith and Learning
Email: jmwilson@smu.edu
Spiritual Life Mentors
The Spiritual Life Mentors program is a joint-initiative between the Office of the Chaplain and Religious Life & Resident Life and Student Housing. Each Residential Commons has an assigned Peer Chaplain to offer a listening ear for students and support the Holistic Wellness of our community by offering opportunities for students to explore their faith and religious life.