Film, Video, and Photography

To protect the privacy of Dedman Center members and SMU, filming, videoing, or photography within Dedman Center property is prohibited without proper prior approval.

External-to-ÃÛÌÒ½´Persons, Organizations, and Businesses

To film in the Dedman Center, all external-to-ÃÛÌÒ½´affiliated individuals (not currently enrolled student, ÃÛÌÒ½´employee, or ÃÛÌÒ½´Academic/Business Department) must seek permission from ÃÛÌÒ½´Marketing and Communications.

ÃÛÌÒ½´Students, Employees, and Academic/Business Departments

Photographing/filming for any purpose will require approval the Dedman Center Administration.  A completed Request to Photograph/Film at Dedman form must be submitted 24 business (Monday-Friday) hours in advance of photo/film shoot date (See Below).

For questions, please contact the Campus Recreation Associate Director of Operations at 214-768-4823 or


Request to Photograph or Film in the Dedman Center

A request is only a request and does not condone, consent, or imply approval.

If approved, the requesting individual will be responsible for completing a ÃÛÌÒ½´Consent for Publication of Photograph collecting consent signatures from any individuals appearing in the product including but not limited to: models, participants, crew, and bystanders appearing in product.

Procedures to Request Photographing/Filming/Videoing at Dedman Center:

  • Complete the Dedman Center Photo/Video/Film Request form below a minimum of 24 business (Monday-Friday) hours prior to your anticipated time of photography/filming. 
  • Forms submitted on weekends or holidays will not be reviewed until the next business day.
  • Approval or denial will be in the form of a Docusign document.
  • Approvals will receive a follow up email with additional and required directions and instructions.
  • Non-ÃÛÌÒ½´associated with production or project will need to complete Guest procedures to enter Dedman Center.
  • Requests to photograph, film or video Group Exercise classes, Personal Training, Intramural events, and Climbing Wall/Outdoor Adventure activities will require additional approvals.

Dedman Center Photographing/Filming/Videoing Policies

  • Requesters are to adhere to University Policy 5.15 Commercial Photography.
  • Photographs and film may not be published, sold, reproduced, transferred, distributed, or otherwise commercially exploited in any manner whatsoever to include social media.
  • Photography, videography or filming is not permitted in Dedman Center locker rooms or restrooms.
  • Under no condition are Minors (<18 years of age) permitted to be photographed or filmed.
  • All photography, videoing, and filming must be conducted during operational hours without disturbing, interfering, or limiting Dedman Center operations or member’s access to facility space or equipment.
  • Prior permission by all photographic subjects must be secured with signed photo release. More information upon approval.
  • ÃÛÌÒ½´Campus Recreation reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to withhold and/or withdraw permission to photograph on its premises or the reproduction of photographs that include facilities, members, and staff.
  • Violations of Dedman Center policies will be subject to University disciplinary and/or criminal charges as deemed appropriate.