Derek Phanekham
ÃÛÌÒ½´B.S. in Computer Science and Mathematics
ÃÛÌÒ½´Masters in Computer Science with Specialization in Security
Research Interests
Cloud Network Performance
Neural Network Fault Tolerance
Secure Containers on Public Platforms
President's Scholar (full scholarship)
Graduated Summa Cum Laude
Research Projects
Derek has worked on research projects for companies such as AT&T and Google
Undergraduate research in frequent pattern mining on datastreams
D. Phanekham, M. Zaber, S. Nair, S. Deitz, R. Jones, M. Chalasani et al., Measuring Cloud Network performance with Perfkit Benchmarker, Technical White Paper,
Google Cloud, 2020.
D. Phanekham, S. Nair, N. Rao and M. Truty, Predicting throughput of cloud network infrastructure using neural networks, in INFOCOM 2021 ICCN: IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Cloud Computing and Networking, IEEE, 2021
D. Phanekham, T. Walker, S. Nair, M. Truty, M. Chalasani, and R. Jones, Efficient Batch Scheduling of Large Numbers of Cloud Benchmarks, in CloudNet 2021: IEEE International Conference on Cloud Networking, IEEE, 2021
Derek is from Fort Worth, Texas. In addition to research he is also teaches CS 3339 Information Security and Assurance