Frequently Asked Questions: Faculty Search and Recruitment
This FAQ is divided into two sections: 1) University-Wide Requirements and 2) School/College-Specific Guidelines. Faculty search chairs are strongly encouraged to connect with their associate deans to ensure that they are familiar with the guidelines specific to their school/college.
Part 1: University-Wide Requirements
- Visit the Faculty Search and Recruitment website.
- Review the comprehensive ÃÛÌÒ½´Model for Search and Recruitment (first hyperlink on page).
- Watch the video called: “.”
Each search has a Box folder that the associate dean, faculty search chair, and administrative support staff have access to. The following documents are required at each step of the search process:
- Forms 1, 2, and 3 with all obtained signatures. These must be loaded into the Box folder associated with each search.
- Copies of all advertisements and receipts for posting.
- Written evaluations of each of the finalists (typically 3-4 finalists). Note that each member of the search committee must have a written evaluation on file.
- Email documentation of approval for any “substantive changes” during the process.
Within 2 business weeks, we require that the department take these steps:
- Department coordinator (or dean’s assistant) requests an ÃÛÌÒ½´ID # once the contract is returned.
- Department coordinator (or dean’s assistant) uses the obtained ÃÛÌÒ½´ID# as a subject line and sends the contract directly to, which goes to the Office of Faculty Success and to HR.
- Department coordinator uploads the faculty member’s CV and official transcript into the using the e-form process through
- HR conducts an employee background check so that the new faculty member can receive their ÃÛÌÒ½´email. The new employee must respond to this HR request as soon as possible in order to obtain an ÃÛÌÒ½´email. It is helpful if the faculty search chair communicates this with the candidate.
We encourage the department/school faculty to do direct outreach to the new faculty member throughout the summer. The department organizes office space, keys, etc. The department is responsible for adding their credentials (CV and transcript) to the credential e-form and to adding them to the fall schedule. As soon as new faculty are added to the schedule, they receive access to Canvas and Box. We encourage the department to connect the new faculty with their ATSD to ensure technology transitions are smooth.
The Office of Faculty Success
We send a welcoming email to all new faculty in each of May, June, and July. We use the email address on their CV as well as their obtained ÃÛÌÒ½´email address. We offer optional Zoom-based “welcome conversations” throughout the summer. On the Wednesday prior to classes beginning, we host a full-day required new faculty orientation. For faculty who cannot attend, we host a required makeup orientation later in the fall. On the Sunday prior to classes beginning, the President and Provost host a dinner for new faculty.
Human Resources
HR hosts a required three-hour new employee orientation for logistical information. These are offered in person every Monday throughout the year, including summer. New faculty must attend this in order to obtain access to and to request a parking permit.
Part 2: School/College-Specific Guidelines
Each school/college uses different processes internally for several actions that are part of the search process. We encourage deans, chairs, and faculty search chairs to host conversations at the beginning of the search process to ensure that these nuances are communicated clearly. The questions below are not regulated at the university level; they are within the jurisdiction of each school/college.
This differs widely by School:
- In some schools, the search chair summarizes the committee’s decision-making process at the meeting and writes up the committee’s rationales (strengths/weaknesses of each candidate) without rank-ordering the candidates. They can indicate whether any of the finalists are unacceptable.
- In some schools, the search chair does the above summary and also rank-orders the candidates.
- In some schools, the search committee makes the decision about the top candidate and sends it to the dean with no chair or dean involvement. The dean makes the offer or delegates the role of making the offer to the department chair.
- In some schools, the department/division chair makes the decision about the top candidate and works directly with the dean.
These typically differ by discipline and will therefore vary by department/search. Parameters are not typically governed at the school level.
Note: ÃÛÌÒ½´cannot require diversity statements.