Daniel Tague
Phone |
214-768-3175 |
Daniel Tague has experience as a teacher, clinician, music therapy blogger and researcher in the field of music therapy. Tague has quickly emerged as a rising authority within the music therapy field, working within a variety of settings including hospitals, school districts and rehabilitation units. He developed a pilot improvisational drumming curriculum for music therapy and music education students and researched the effect of music therapy and art therapy on mood in patients with mental health needs. As part of his work with the World Federation of Music Therapy, he co-authored the first worldwide survey study on music therapy clinical practice. His current research projects include investigating music listening habits of college students for use with reducing anxiety and how medical music therapy can work with aspects of spirituality in a hospital setting. Another focus is his work with a team of researchers using music therapy to assist with pain and anxiety management after lung transplant.
Tague taught music therapy and directed the program at Shenandoah University in Virginia from 2012 to 2017. In 2017, he was re-elected to serve a three-year term as the chair of the clinical practice commission for the World Federation of Music Therapy. He currently serves as the Southwestern Region of the American Music Therapy Association representative for the Commission on the Education and Clinical Training of 21st Century Music Therapists. Tague was able to present results from the worldwide survey on clinical practice at the 15th World Congress of Music Therapy in Tsukuba, Japan in July 2017 and on student perceptions of online learning during COVID-19 at the 17th World Congress of Music Therapy in Vancouver, CA. He has led two study abroad trips to international conferences in Austria and Japan for music therapy students and hopes to lead another trip to Italy for the 18th World Congress of Music Therapy in 2026.
B.A. Russian Language and Area Studies/European History, Texas Tech University
M.M.E. Music Education and Music Therapy, The University of Kansas
Ph.D. Music Therapy, Florida State University
Recent Work
Improvisational drumming in music therapy education and mental health practice; music therapy clinical practice; music therapy and pain management; music therapy and mindfulness; music therapy and mild cognitive impairment; music therapy to decrease anxiety in college students.
Chair, Clinical Practice Commission for the World Federation of Music Therapy 2017-20
American Music Therapy Association: Commission on the Education and Clinical Training of 21st Century Music Therapists, (Elected) 2018-present
Professional Experience
Music therapist and director of a private practice company in the DFW area 2000-09
Assistant professor and director of music therapy at Shenandoah University 2012-17
Selected Publications
Tague, D. B., Townsend, J. & Auld, S. (Eds.). (2023, In press). A guide to music therapy and spiritual care in medical settings. De La Vista.
Aigen, K., Miller, C. K., Kim, Y., Pasiali, V., Kwak, E-M. & Tague, D. B. (2008). Nordoff-Robbins music therapy. In A. A. Darrow (Ed.) Introduction to Approaches in Music Therapy (2nd ed., pp. 61-77). Silver Spring, MD: American Music Therapy Association.
Tague, D. B. (2016). Evaluating a pilot improvisational drumming curriculum: Implications for improving confidence and skills in music therapy and music education. Music Therapy Perspectives 35(1), 88-98. doi:10.1093/mtp/miv049
Kern, P., & Tague, D. B. (2018). Music therapy practice status and trends worldwide: An international survey study. Journal of Music Therapy, 53(1), 255-286. doi:10.1093/jmt/thx011.
Kern, P., & Tague, D. (2019). Moving the profession forward: Governmental recognition, increased access, and competitive pay. Music Therapy Today, 15(1), 134-157.
Kern, P. & Tague, D. (2022). Students’ perception of online learning during COVID-19: A U.S.-based music therapy survey. Journal of Music Therapy, 59(2), 127-155.
Tague, D. B. & Lipe, A. W. (2023). Foundational frameworks supporting selection of music and outcome measures in studies of cognition among older adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI): An integrative review. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy.
McFerran, K. Chan, V., Tague, D., Stachyra, K., & Mercadal-Brotons, M. (2023). A comprehensive review classifying contemporary global practices in music therapy. Music Therapy Today 18(1), 466-485.
Knoll, C. (Host). (2019, November 23) Integrating global perspectives to promote collaboration: The role and mission of the World Federation of Music Therapy [Audio podcast]. Musictherapy.org.
Botsford, M. J. (2023, May 18). How music helps cope with stress [Television documentary]. CBS News. https://www.cbsnews.com/newyork/video/how-music-helps-cope-with-stress/
Course list
Clinical Orientation | MUTY 1120 |
Introduction to Music Therapy | MUTY 1320 |
Music Therapy Practicum V | MUTY 4141 |
Survey of Music Psychology | MUTY 4341 |
Research in Music Therapy | MUTY 4340 |
Music Therapy Internship | MUTY 4226 |