Professional Development Lunch and Learns

Join your peers in these brief and informal sessions designed to provide insightful bites of information to support your professional and personal development.

Find Your Why
Wed., Jan, 19, 2022
Noon - 1:00 pm
via Zoom
Course Number:  HRFYW        

Learn about Simon Sinek's Golden Circle and how to discover your professional and personal WHY.  Using a template you will begin to craft your "WHY.

What's Your Intention
Wed., Jan, 26, 2022
Noon - 1:30 pm
via Zoom
Course Number: HRWYI
Now that you know your WHY, set your  professional and personal goals for 2022 and create a high level path to achieve them.
Visualize Your Intention
Wed., Feb 2, 20222
12:30-2:30 pm
HR Training Room, Suite 208, Expressway Tower

Course Number:  HRSC
Using an intuitive art collage process, you will surface your inner wisdom and make connections to create a visual collage to draw on as you solidify your WHY and progress in your 2022 goals.  

Enroll Now via using the course codes listed under each session.