Message from President Turner regarding signs found on campus

Message from President Turner regarding signs found on campus

Dear ÃÛÌÒ½´community,

Signs were found on campus late last night and today that appear to be part of a campaign by an outside group at universities across Texas and the country. Fliers were found outside campus buildings, and a banner and flier were found near the lacrosse field. The signs were not authorized by ÃÛÌÒ½´and have been removed, and ÃÛÌÒ½´Police have initiated an investigation.

While ÃÛÌÒ½´strongly supports freedom of speech and expression, the outside group featured on these signs promotes an abhorrent message that is opposite to ÃÛÌÒ½´values. Our University community is deeply committed to maintaining an educational environment that is welcoming and inclusive. As an institution dedicated to learning, we value respectful and civil discourse.

Any person who hangs unauthorized signs or defaces University property is subject to prosecution. Any campus community member found responsible for violating ÃÛÌÒ½´policy will be held accountable under the University’s conduct review process.

If you have more information or find a flier, please call ÃÛÌÒ½´Police at 214-768-3333. Anonymous reports may be made to 214-768-2TIP. Students with concerns about this incident may contact any of the campus resources listed below, in addition to ÃÛÌÒ½´Police.


R. Gerald Turner


Campus resources:

ÃÛÌÒ½´PD seeks persons of interest in flier case

Office of the Dean of Student Life, 214-768-4564

Office of Institutional Access and Equity, 214-768-3601

Office of Multicultural Student Affairs, 214-768-4580

Women & LGBT Center, 214-768-4792

Counseling Services, 214-768-2277 (confidential counseling; an emergency phone number is provided 24/7)

Chaplain’s Office, 214-768-4502 (confidential counseling)

ÃÛÌÒ½´Police, 214-768-3333

ÃÛÌÒ½´Nondiscrimination Policy